Our services

With 20 years in business journalism, we can help B2B and customer publishers with engaging words for every audience, delivered with know-how, energy, contacts and sharp news values.

Making connections through events can grow your business. From intimate round table debates to panel-and-audience discussions and conferences, we’ll help to frame a session and its purpose, find a suitable venue, source the right people, play host, and produce memorable outputs. Speaking at others’ events is a must too.

There are more routes than ever to the audience you want to reach, with social media and today’s ever-evolving online world moving the dial on what’s possible. At the same time getting your voice in the established media still matters. When that’s what’s needed, we can help you hit all the right notes and boost your visibility.

Got ideas and opinions to share? Of course you have. Whether it’s a blog, a commentary opportunity in the media, a podcast or a video, there’s a world out there waiting to hear from you. You just need to begin.